Saturday, 8 June 2013

The Severing Crime Edge

The Severing Crime Edge
aka Dansai Bunri no Crime Edge, this is a supernatural thriller anime.
I like the concept of the echoes of old murders still left behind. But there are lots of aspects that I don’t like, and those almost outweigh the good aspect I consider to stop watching this anime. But my curiosity gets the better of me and keep me engaged :P
The first why: why, oh why do you make the male protagonist a pervert with hair fetish? HAIR FETISH. Eeeeuw. And why do you make the scene of their encounter so damned... creepy ? If I were an isolated young girl who has no friend, knows that there are people who want to murder her, then I would scream, scream, scream until I exhaust my voice when there was a young male who peeks through my solarium window wielding a hair scissors! I DEFINITELY wouldn’t treat him! I’d call the police instead.
And the next episode is chock full of fan service (read soft porn, soft porn) and sexual undertones. Bouncing breasts (really, bouncing like a rubber ball), a sister that is (if I am not mistaken with that kind of facial of expression) aroused... with her... SISTER... injects her and licks her.  And paedophilia. And rape intentions. And naked girl body directly contacts with the protagonist. Girl, not woman, which actually makes this scene creepier and more horrible...  especially after he says in later episode that he likes her body... because that means the male protagonist is attracted with a girl whose physical appearance resemble an elementary school student, and it would mean that his abnormality is not only hair fetish but also paedophilia. And a lot of licks, licks, licks with saliva flying, flying, flying. Yuck. 
Saliva, saliva everywhere

The scene where the grandfather of male protagonist reveals their family origin is pretty bland. I mean, if my grandfather reveals that our distant ancestor is a serial murderer with body count over 200, I will be shocked and the revealing will be done in a serious situation. Not with shouting with me sitting behind the door and my grandpa on the other side.
OH GOD. Why must they ruin a perfectly good concept with scenes like them? WHY WHY WHY. 
Curse you with your dirty minds!

And why must you make fictional murderers? There are perfectly creepy-as-hell and famous real serial murderers. Jack the Ripper, for example. And the Queen Zewulfa can be perfectly substituted with our famous lady Erzsebet Bathory.

Nnnnngggggghhhhhh but the myth is pretty good (begrudgingly admitted, begrudgingly).  

Despite all those things, I still want to watch this anime. Sigh. 

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