Thursday, 5 March 2015

Koala Kumal by Raditya Dika

He is my favourite Indonesian comedian! I prefer reading his jokes and anecdotes to listening to his stand-up sessions, though. I just cannot see the beauty of stand-up comedies. So far I've only watched Indonesian ones. Perhaps I should give the ones from other countries a whirl.
So after a wait that feels almost eternal (four? five? six years? I honestly cannot remember) I was ecstatic upon learning that he published a new book! Oh. YAY! The title is as usual, distinctive.
At least two hours of fun!

And so, I read it and the same thought occurred over and over again.

Dude just, I don't know, six, seven years older than me, tops? And he swims in money (at least that's how it looks, I mean, frequent hang out at malls? Kemang? Eating those GODDAMNED SHIOYAKIS?).*

Dreaming away and wept
And I also feel that the tone is more mature and serious. He seems very self-examining, without sacrificing the funny, in some parts. Good for him, bad for me because I do not want to thiiiink. I want a book equivalent to candy floss, not a fancy hundred-courses French meal, for example. I was waiting so enthusiastically for his books because his books for my brain is like Bailey's Irish Cream for my soul.** In the end, he admitted that there is a theme for every stories in Koala Kumal.

It is loss. And how to deal with losses.

I was silent for a while after reading that. 

This book cannot come in a more perfect moment. I felt severe, profound loss at that time. I cried my eyes out on the daily basis. After waking up, during the day, before going to bed, during bathing - in short, all the freaking time. My eyes were swollen all the time. But of course everybody is busy, admittedly with far more important thing than me.*** But then, came toddling along this book. This book made me laugh. Made me forget about my loss. Lifted some of the stress. Thanks, Raditya Dika.

I think I'll give this nine out of ten stars. Why not the perfect score? Because of the mature tone. Sorry! 
*Yes, I mull about money a lot. Sorry, Saint Timothy. Like a computer, there's a part of my brain dedicated solely for thinking about that thing. How to spend less and to obtain it. Let's just say it's fortunate for me and my family (core and extended) that I spent twelve years in a Catholic school and I don't remotely look like Dian Sastrowardoyo (for you Indonesians who will certainly get the reference!) or Jessica Alba.
**Oh. Bailey's...
***Losing me has more pros than cons, at least to the world in general and my family. Less mouth to feed, less land to spare (for housing, etc.), less water will be used, one less fertile female to populate the cramped world.

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