I have been unwell (not physically, it's mental thingy; you know, the blues) for these few days - no, weeks, and so I decided to feed my mind with information with equal quality and digestive ease as regurgitation birds feed to their chicks.
Approximately |
I didn't want to think. Honey. I didn't even want to wake up. I sort of hoped that day would go as it went and something amazing happened. I don't know why. Blues do those stuff to you, I guess.
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Well, even Blair Waldorf can feel that. |
So, in order to wake up, in order not to succumb to lethargy and the feeling of preferring immobility, I decided to do menial activities. Because anything is better than just lay down and slept and being totally useless instead of partially useless.
I browsed countless gossip sites about Kardashian Klan and their antics. Do you know that Kimmy just dyed her hair platinum blonde? Do you know that Bruce Jenner just decided to undergo sex change and he involved in a horrific car crash? And do you know that I feel a kind of elation and self-satisfaction seeing that the Blogger auto correct doesn't recognize the word 'Kardashian'? Sorry if that makes me a racist or Armenian pogrom supporter for you - I am not, I assure you. Being a part of minority groups - both ethnic and religious - is an all-too familiar sensation for me, so I am not either or both of them.
If you don't know those facts about the Kardashians (and the Jenners) please give you a mental congratulatory pat. It is okay if you like reading gossip. I do not judge you. But it is not okay if you are that updated.
Well-updated (about these stuff) is good, too-updated, on the other hand... |
Ah. And another site where I decided to spend my time browsing is Ask.fm. I don't know the function that its founder had in mind when they made it, because it seemed... pointless. It is basically a medium where you can ask someone that has account and that person shall answer you. It evolves into something where you can ask the silliest question and answer it in the most pointless way possible. The profile shows the number of the followers the profile owner has, the question he/ she has been asked so far, and the gift he/she has received. And me being me, I followed some accounts I deemed really funny.
Then realization dawned.
Because Dean Winchester is smoking hot. Admit it. |
The primary and sole deciding factor in, primarily, social media fame is following. It's always about how many likes, how many shares, and how many followers. You get my meaning. Jotting down these stuff makes me feel stupid because it damned obvious. Those numbers are the accumulation of individuals deciding to like, share, or follow an entity. We are responsible, wholly, fully, in deciding who will become somebody or anybody or nobody. Yet, we sometimes don't realize that we have that responsibility and our influence is that big. Because, once someone becomes famous enough, he/ she will become role model OR gets invited to all sort of events which are willing to shell out insane amount of money just for few minutes of interview and stuff.
And here we are, wondering why wealth is not distributed evenly or effective vaccinations against flu have yet to be discovered. Darling. All those money are accumulated by some select personas we all choose consciously to propel into fame - or some, infamy - and spent for expensive and beautiful glittering or silky soft stuff. I am envious to those who are privileged, to be frank. Who is not?
But let's focus. Sometimes, we whine about the stupid celebrities who keep appearing in television, stupid TV shows, and stupid magazines, stupid stuff. Have we asked to ourselves, why do they keep appearing? Why? In some parts, we are responsible! We enjoy them! We consume them in mindless frenzy! And the industry, they recognize market niche when they see it. Who can blame them if they supply the populace with stuff that sell well and fast?
And thus, our mindset and the generations after us, will be formed by such material - a thought that makes me shudder.
The more foolish thing is the tendency to elect the so-called celebrities into governmental office. It's one thing to elect an ex-actress with 10 years of political experience in her pocket to be a people representative, and it's another thing to elect a still active singer or actor or actress with virtually 0 year of any political experience to be, say, vice governor or people representative!
*sneeze* |
I am banging my head against the wall in frustration because, seriously, people? マジデ?Do you want to further fuck up this already fucked-up country? This case reminds me to the detective novels I've read which are set in ancient Romans. They are either the Roma Sub Rosa series or the Lindsey Davis ones - my money is on the first. It is mentioned that people started to elect actors in important political posts. And the result was not so good because they are good entertainers but not good politicians. It happened freaking thousands years ago and yet people still haven't learned!
And with this, I end my ramblings. I fully realize that this composition is not really that good nor it is coherent.
But pffft.
In the end, it is you who decide whether to read something or not.
Good night.
I dedicate this post to someone far away who has a delicate niche carved somewhere in me.
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